
The 32nd IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP 2024)
Charleroi, Belgium, October 28-31, 2024  ICNP2024

Become an ICNP 2024 sponsor and your organization can reach a highly qualified technical audience of academics, industrial researchers, engineers, and students. ICNP is the premier conference for network protocol research. By sponsoring ICNP, you can increase visibility and product awareness among the people who are the most knowledgeable and passionate about your products. All sponsors will receive recognition of their level of contribution in print, on the web, in registration brochures, in the conference program, and during opening and closing of the conference. Additional prominence and access are available at the following sponsorship levels:

Gold (USD $15,000)

Silver (USD $10,000)

Bronze (USD $5,000)

If you are interested in these or other sponsorship options, please contact the General Chairs at cjs@cs.ucc.ie and gisli@ru.is.